Its music to my ears...


Thursday, January 24, 2008


Aargh!!! I cant get this stupid thing to work!!! (Excuse the sudden anger) Anyway... Nvm. Well today was a drag... Well recess wasn't so bad... Me and Jean Ann had a little chat at the tangga today... It was calming cause the wind was kinda strong so it wasn't so hot... Well... Starting of school when i was going back to class, a very disturbing woman called my name and when she did i obviously knew i had work to do... Oh well... Some kids now a days are annoying though... especially G* (lets just call him that shall we...) Well... I cant believe that the annoying ones are the ones that are even HOPING to become p.r.e.f.e.c.t.s.! Amazing isn't it... Oh well they can hope all they want... Because even if they do become p.r.e.f.e.c.t.s. i will make their lives so utterly miserable they'll wish they were never born. MUAHAHAHA!!! (Ahem... Ahem) Anyway... I guess i will just have to deal with it for now...

* Name changed to protect privacy...

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