Its music to my ears...


Friday, August 15, 2008

Totally drained out...

Aargh!!! Whats the matter with me!!! Sometimes I just feel so stupid!!! Yea I know I'm not perfect but I sometimes wish others didn't think they were!!! I'm so tired of pretending to be someone I'm not!!! Sometimes life just seems so unfair... I remember the time I wished that the floor would just open up and swallow me!!! I know many people hate me and say I'm mean. But you know what? I cant deny it. But I just wish they would understand what kind of emotional roller coaster I'm going through before they judge me. I know its not easy to understand but hey, no harm trying. Anyway many people don't know it but actually I feel that I am very alone in this world. You know what? Sometimes I wish that I wasn't born. But I realized that its no use wishing when it wont come true. I guess life will just be complicated for me. But before I sign off, I would just like to say a special thanks to the people that tried to understand what I was going through. Thanks mum, dad, sis and GOD!!!


missX said...

You're one unique Jasmine. Take time to love yourself =)

Jasmyne Foo said...

Thank you for saying that. :) But umm could I know who you are???